Video 4: The Pre-Closing Call

The Pre-Closing Call

Pre-Closing Call Guidelines

  • Pre-Call Survey
  • The Call
  • CIP Check-in
  • 1st Direct Referral Request Option

Pre-Call Survey Example👇

CIP Check-in Script

When we had your on-boarding call we got you enrolled in our [CIP Name] and I'm excited to have you in that special group. Did you have an opportunity to read the welcome email you received with the list of ALL the benefits for you and the people you introduce us to?

Wait for response...

(If they say no, go ahead and explain the benefits and process really quickly)

(If they say yes, move on)

  • If they said they'd be open to discussing introductions on the survey, go ahead and make your 1st direct referral request here)

  • If they said no, go ahead and reset their R.A.S. with a soft suggestive request)

Direct Referral Request Script

So now that we've been working together for the past [time period] I'm sure you've had a couple of names cross your mind of people who you know would benefit from our services in the future and I see on your pre-call survey that you mentioned you'd be open to discussing some of them. Have you already spoken with these people about our services?

Wait for response...

(Commit them to speaking to them about the program and introducing them prior to your next call)

That's terrific! Well, let's get this first intro or two out of the way so you can see how easy it is for everyone. Would you be open to talking with them and making an email/messenger/text introduction prior to closing this next week?

Great, Let me shoot you the Easy 3-Step Intro process just to make it simple for ya.

Soft Suggestive Request Script

So now that we've been working together for the past [time period] I'm sure you've had a couple of names cross your mind of people who you know would benefit from this process and I see on your pre-call survey that you mentioned you weren't open to discussing introducing 1 or 2 of them yet, and that's totally fine. I'd love to walk you through the simple process when you have some names in mind or when you're feeling more comfortable about it.

Complete and Continue